The below instructions were intended for a Windows 2003 Server machine using Ultimate Boot CD 4 Win. The same procedure can be applied to restoring multiple partitions from XML image backup to Windows XP as well.
Windows Server 2003 .XML Server Restoration Help
1. Insert disc and make sure bios is set to boot from cd before hard drive
(Pressing F”1-12″ at first startup screen ( depending on computer model) you can check the boot priority).
2.Choose “Ultimate Boot CD” from menu, let it load, choose to have internet access.
3.If using a new hard drive, you need to partition it using gparted or swissknife to make 2 partitions (included in hard drive tools on cd) Drive C:\ no smaller than 25GB – Drive E:\ no smaller than 260GB (500GB HDD min.)
4.Single click on Driveimage XML – click restore – choose the removable hard drive-search for the backup .xml image (SundayC.xml, SundayE.xml extc. )
5.Choose the corresponing drive letter to restore to – example: choose SundayC.xml to backup to driveletter(partition) C:\ and sundayE.xml to driveletter(partition) E:\
6.After restoration , click on “Start” button, choose “Shutdown” then “Restart/eject”.
-if not able to boot into Windows – single click on “My Computer” icon on desktop – right click on your server’s hard drive, choose properties
7.Click on tools tab – click “check now” next to “Error Checking”. Checkmark both “automatically fix filesystem errors and scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors”.
8.After repair of hard drive, click on “Start” button, choose “Shutdown” then “Restart/eject”.
Server2003 should boot. if not please contact your System Administrator